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3/2014: Ecclesiam unam


Robert Svatoň, Jedna církev a její jednota (8–27)

Kurt kardinál Koch, Jednota církve v ekumenické perspektivě (28–41)

Roberto Repole, Církev, zárodek jednoty (42–54)

Christian Stoll, Petr v rámci celku. H. U. von Balthasar o postavení Petra v catholice (55–61)

Jan-Heiner Tück, Primát společenství. Od Benedikta XVI. k Františkovi. Úvahy o Petrově službě ve třetím tisíciletí (62–78)

Emmanuel Lanne, Východní katolické církve – most nebo zeď mezi pravoslavnými a katolickými církvemi (79–85)

Karl-Heinz Menke, Svár ostrých kontroverzí. Závěrečná mariologická kapitola koncilní konstituce o církvi Lumen gentium (86–102)



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2/2014: Zdraví


Jean-Pierre Batut, Od přirozenosti ke slávě, milost nemoci (7–17)

Hans Urs von Balthasar, Zdraví mezi vědou a moudrostí (18–29)

David C. Schindler, Zdraví a svatost (30–46)

Adam Mackerle, Zdraví v Bibli. Antropologicko-teologický nástin tématu (47–65)

Lukáš Jan Fošum OP, Zdraví, kvalita život a human flourishing (66–75)

David Vopřada, Svátosti – Kristův lék u církevních otců (74–86)

Pavel Vojtěch Kohut OCD, „Aby se na něm zjevily Boží skutky“ (Jan 9, 3). Od etologie nemoci ke zprostředkující úloze zdravotního stavu (87–97)

Jana Maroszová, O chlebě života a hořkých pilulkách (98–110)


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1/2014: Apologie a apologetika


William Levada, Naléhavá potřeba nové apologetiky pro církev 21. století (9–17)

Vincent Carraud, Neaktuální apologetika a aktuální apologeta (18–28)

Marie-Françoise Baslez, Je třeba se hájit? Jak se hájit? Situace mučedníků prvních staletí (29–39)

Pierre Glaudes, Podobenství „fin de siècle“ a apologetika. Léon Bloy „Člověk není dokonalý“ (40–55)

Pavol Hrabovecký, Výzvy G. K. Chestertona pre novú apologetiku (56–70)

Nicola Reali, „Aggiornamento“ apolgoetiky mezzi teologi a pastorací (70–79)


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4/2013: Ecclesiam sanctam

Editorial (5–9)

Ioannis Spiteris, Svatost církve jako život v Kristu a její svátostná povaha podle Mikuláše Kabasily (9–25)

Erio Castellucci, „Zjevím na nich svou svatost před očima všech národů“ (Ez 28, 25). Misijní význam svatosti církve (26–38)

Stefaan Van Calster, Pedagogika svatosti (39–47)

Angelo Amato, Beatifikační a kanonizační procesy. Kritéria, průběh, význam (48–58)

Jean-Robert Armogathe, Odpustky, milosrdenství Boží darované v úplnosti (59–68)

Jana Maroszová, „Celá krásná...“ Středověcí autoři o hříšné světici a svaté hříšnici (69–84)

Karl-Heinz Menke, Svátostnost eucharistie (85–103)

Abstracts (104–106)

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Abstracts (3/2013)

Alexis Leproux: „Zamiloval jsem si Moudrost…“ / “I fell in love with Wisdom …“

The author offers in his study a biblical view of Wisdom. He proceeds from Wis 8:2–4 and focuses on the issue of friendship with the Wisdom. He mentions two cultural contexts of the Book of Wisdom, the Hellenistic and the Jewish one, and against the traditional interpretation of Wisdom as Bride, he emphasises the meaning of friendship, as related to the Wisdom.

Key words: Aristotle, Bible, Wisdom, Friendship, Politics

David Vopřada: Augustinova cesta k Boží Moudrosti – Kristus a církev / Augustine’s Way to God’s Wisdom: Christ and the Church

Although the quest for God’s Wisdom is something very personal for Augustine, the paper sets the ecclesiological context of his doctrine. Augustine’s way to the wisdom is not a way accessible to intellectuals only: it is open to anybody who does not remain closed to other man and is willing to love with charity, laid to his heart by God to whose image and likeness he was created. The paper lays the ecclesiological background of Augustine’s search for wisdom and his spirituality. The Bishop of Hippo Regius teaches that it is only through the mediation of the Church, where man can find God’s Wisdom: and the way is Christ himself that allows his believers, parts of his Body, to accept God’s Wisdom as a gift and grow in it through charity. This anti-individualistic way of charity remains a credible way for today where “only love remains credible”.

Key words: Augustine of Hippo, Wisdom, Church, Christus Totus, Love, Charity, Body of Christ, Christian Asceticism, Church Fathers

Tomáš Machula: Moudrost lidská a božská podle Tomáše Akvinského / Human and divine Wisdom according to St Thomas Aquinas

The paper studies the idea of wisdom in Thomas Aquinas. It proceeds from the Biblical use of the term “wisdom” (sophia) in the New Testament and presents a relative concept of wisdom in Thomas’s systematic treatise. There is human wisdom, which is in reality only an apparent wisdom, then real wisdom on the natural level of intellection virtue, and supernatural virtue as gift of the Holy Spirit.

Key words: Wisdom, Knowledge, Insight, Intellectual Virtue, Thomas Aquinas

Jana Maroszová: Zrcadlo či loď. O moudrosti v bláznovské literatuře raného novověku / Mirror or Ship. Wisdom in the Fool’s Literature of the Early Modern Period

Wisdom can be defined by its opposite, foolishness. This is often the case in satiric writing. This article concentrates on the early modern tradition of satire, mainly on Sebastian Brant’s most famous work. Using the examples of Ship of Fools (1494) by Brant and The Praise of Folly (1511) by Desiderius Erasmus, two early modern conceptions of wisdom and foolishness are presented and compared. This article also explains which passages from the Bible were of relevance for the two authors and their particular definitions of wisdom.

Key words: Wisdom, Foolishness, Early Modern Literature, Fool’s Literature, Satire, Erasmus, Sebastian Brant

Karel Sládek: O moudrosti v pojetí Tomáše Špidlíka / Wisdom according to Tomáš Špidlík

The paper presents the concept of wisdom in the work of Tomáš Špidlík who focused in his work on the cosmic and anthropological dimension of the wisdom, on the “wisdom of the heart” in the spiritual discernment and spirituality, on the woman personification of the Wisdom in the mysticism of “All-Onenenss” and, finally, on the “wisdom of the Cross”. The author offers a synthesis, including direct quotations from the work of the Czech theologian.

Key words: Wisdom, Spirituality, Mysticism, Cross, Tomáš Špidlík

Paul McPartlan: Theology in the Context of University. Appreciation of an International Theological Commission document

The paper introduces the most recent document published by the International Theological Commission, which undergoes the task to describe a methodological self-reflection and to clarify the value of theology in the context of education provided by the Catholic Church.

Key words: Theology, Science, University, Magisterium, Method in Theology

Prokop Brož: Mnohotvará Boží moudrost (Ef 3, 10) / The Multiform Wisdom of God (Eph 3:10)

The paper presents the idea of Wisdom, originated in the Biblical tradition. Wisdom does not start with knowledge, but with the devoutness and fear of God. It is not only a kind of erudition, but rather a courage to conceive one’s life and existence, closely linked to the Creator. According to Is 11:1–3, wisdom makes part of the seven spirits and unites internally the prototype of the messianic character. Wisdom is dynamic and brings into the human story a series of crises and trials that would testify to the growth, maturing and purification of the wise. It is in Christ, where the full form of wisdom is embodied. His wisdom – St Paul speaks of “wisdom of the Cross” – brings justification, sanctification and redemption (1Cor 1:30). Christ’s wisdom, originally divine, enters the history and is efficient through the Church as multiform Wisdom of God (Eph 3:10).

Key words: Wisdom, Old Testament, New Testament, Christ

3/2013: Moudrost

Editorial (5–9)

Alexis Leproux, „Zamiloval jsem si Moudrost...“ (10–20)

David Vopřada, Augustinova cesta k Boží Moudrosti – Kristus a církev (21–34)

Tomáš Machula, Moudrost lidská a božská podle Tomáše Akvinského (35–43)

Jana Maroszová, Zrcadlo či loď. O moudrosti v bláznovské literatuře raného novověku (44–68)

Karel Sládek, O moudrosti v pojetí Tomáše Špidlíka (69–76)

Paul McPartlan, Teologie v rámci unverzity. Ocenění dokumentu Mezinárodní teologické komise (77–86)

Prokop Brož, Mnohotvará Boží moudrost (Ef 3, 10) (86–100)

Mezinárodní setkání redakcí Communio v Praze (101–103)


50 Kč